1. escape::escape.gene.sets
    Built-In Gene Sets for escape
  2. immApex::immapex_AA.data
    A list of amino acid properties
  3. immApex::immapex_blosum.pam.matrices
    List of amino acid substitution matrices
  4. immApex::immapex_example.data
    Example contig data for Apex
  5. immApex::immapex_gene.list
    A list of IMGT gene names by genes, loci, and species
  6. scRepertoire::contig_list
    A list of 8 single-cell T cell receptor sequences runs.
  7. scRepertoire::mini_contig_list
    Processed subset of 'contig_list'
  8. scRepertoire::scRep_example
    A Seurat object of 500 single T cells,